Home » Hair Transplant » Hair Transplant UK
The UK is now known as one of the top countries with the highest rate of hair loss incidents. They are among the top 10 countries. Over 39% of the European population suffers from hair loss. Studies have shown that hair loss causes high levels of loss
of self-esteem and self-confidence. It has also been proven that hair loss can lead to severe depression. So for many people having the ability to undergo hair restoration procedures would be a game-changer for them. Having said this, only a minority
of individuals seek hair transplants in the UK.
The British Health Care System is great in all other areas, except when it comes to hair transplants and cosmetic procedures. UK residents are faced with:
When UK residents are seeking hair transplant surgery, the wait time is typically anywhere from 6 months to 1 year. This is the waiting list for hair transplants in the UK by qualified and experienced surgeons who perform these surgeries in CQC certified hospitals.
On average, a hair transplant in the UK can cost up to 30,000 pounds. This is unattainable by most of the UK population suffering from hair loss as the average salary in the UK is approximately 27,000 pounds. As with many other parts of the world hair
transplants in the UK are not covered by health care systems as it is considered cosmetic surgery. This is one of the biggest contributing factors why UK residents cannot obtain hair restoration procedures, simply because they can’t afford it.
The two most popular hair transplant methods in the UK are the FUE method and the FUT method. The FUT method is known to be more cost-efficient of the two. For example, with the FUT method, 2500 grafts could cost approximately 6,000 pounds, and with the
FUE method, 2500 grafts could cost approximately 8,000 pounds and perhaps even more. Traditionally the FUT method was the primary method used for hair transplants. However, with changing technological advances, the FUE has become very popular. Due
to high hair transplant costs in the UK, if someone suffering from hair loss is fortunate enough to afford one, they most often opt for the FUT method as it is more cost-efficient and attainable.
The FUE method would be the ultimate choice for hair transplants in the UK if you could afford one. It is much less invasive than the FUT method. The FUE method is a longer procedure that involves the surgeon removing individual hair follicles from the
donor site, which typically located at the back of the head by isolating hair follicles with a micro-punch surgical tool and removing them with surgical forceps. The surgeon then can choose the best hair follicles for the transplant. The hair follicles
are then placed in a special solution to preserve them. The surgeon will then make small incisions on the recipient site to open channels for the transplant of the extracted follicles. The surgeon will then strategically place the individual hair
follicles into the tiny incidents with a specialized surgical tool. There will initially be tiny dots like scars that will heal over within a couple of weeks, which are not visible to the naked eye
As previously mentioned, the FUT hair transplant method is more invasive than the FUE method. The FUE method involves the surgeon makes a linear incision in the donor area, typically at the back of the head, and removes a strip of skin and hair follicles.
The surgeon then has to stitch the area where the incision was made. The surgeon will then dissect the strip into smaller sections. The Doctor will choose the best sections for transplantation. These sections will then be placed into a special solution
to preserve them. The surgeon will then create channels in the recipient area by making small incisions. The small graft strips will then be transplanted into the recipient area using a special medical instrument.
Although both hair transplant methods are similar, the FUE method allows surgeons to choose hair follicles, which are stronger and better donors to provide density and better results. The FUE method offers a much faster recovery time as it is considered
a micro-surgery, and scarring is minimal. The FUE method is more expensive; however, its benefits exceed the FUT method. Some issues surrounding the FUT method pertain to recovery time and the linear scar that is left. The linear scar may restrict
the patient from certain hairstyles.
Even though hair transplants in the UK are extremely expensive, UK residents have other options. Due to the high costs of hair transplants in the UK, UK residents have the option of traveling abroad to receive hair transplant surgeries at greatly reduced
costs. There are many other places worldwide where UK residents can undergo hair transplant surgeries with the same standard of quality and rate of success that hair transplants in the UK offer. Turkey is the number one chosen medical tourist destination
for hair restoration surgeries.
There are several differences and some similarities regarding hair transplants with respect to the UK and Turkey. Some of the differences and similarities are outlined below.
In both the UK and Turkey, governments closely monitor hair restoration health care providers, ensuring they meet health and safety standards pertaining to certification and sanitization. However, in Turkey, many hair restoration surgeons also have international
certifications and accreditations. This is because Turkey is the number one medical tourism destination for hair transplants. Having said this, it is still important for potential patients to do their homework by checking into the credentials of the
clinic they are choosing to meet these standards.
Due to cost factors, the FUT hair transplant method is the most commonly used in the UK. However, in Turkey, the FUT hair transplant method is quickly fading away as a result of the abundance of advanced FUE hair transplant methods and techniques. Eventually,
you will see the FUT method completely disappear from Turkish hair restoration clinics. FUE hair transplant methods are quite inexpensive compared to other countries around the world. There are far more hair transplant clinics in Turkey than in the
UK. Turkey has to meet its demands by offering patients many facilities to choose from. Having said this, this creates a lot of hair restoration competition within Turkey. This leads to many surgeons and clinical staff constantly striving for advancing
techniques to stay ahead in the industry. The variety of FUE techniques which exist in Turkey are:
Sapphire FUE
Many people are under the impression that paying a much lower price for a product or service means a much lower quality product or service. However, this is not true regarding hair transplant surgeries in Turkey. Low costs are not an indicator of poor
quality services. Typically the cost associated with a hair transplant in Turkey ranges between 1500 and 2500 dollars. This is significantly lower than hair transplant prices in the UK. Thus being said, an entire family in Turkey can comfortably live
on 1500 a month, whereas, in the UK, 1500 is not much money at all. The difference between the two economies makes all the difference. There is also a devalued lira to pound ratio that accounts for hair transplant surgery low costs.
There is no shortage of hair transplant clinics in Turkey. Therefore, accessibility and availability is never a problem. In fact, it is a huge advantage over the UK because patients have access to choose from several clinics in Turkey that each provides
unique services and quality. Patients have the flexibility to choose a clinic that meets their individual needs. There are over 350 clinics in Istanbul alone.
International patients never face cost-related access to the low prices of hair transplants in Turkey. Many tourists benefit from Turkey’s low hair restoration prices.
Due to the number of hair transplants that are performed in Turkey, most Turkish hair transplant surgeons have an abundance of experience working on all different hair types. However, both countries have high caliber surgeons, but as Istanbul is the hair
transplant capital of the world, it only goes without saying the Turks have much more experience in the field.
Medical tourism has become a very popular global trend. Patients can receive a life-changing make-over and experience new cultures at the same time. It’s a win-win situation. Another factor that has increased hair transplant trends is the fact that many
celebrities are opting for these types of procedures, which has directly affected the stigma that was once attached to hair transplants. In Turkey, hair transplants are attainable by many people, not just celebrities, which leads to a much higher
level of medical tourism in Turkey.
Turkey attracts many hair transplant patients from Europe and Asia due to its geographical location. Turkey is very easily accessed from both Europe and Asia. Turkey is known to be a combination of modern, ancient European with a little spin on the middle
east. The cuisine available in Turkey includes a great cultural diversity. Turkey has many tourist attractions to peak everyone’s interests. Due to Turkey’s influx of international visitors, the Turks are very warm, welcoming people.
Turkey has so much experience hosting international patients that they have a variety of international packages to meet their individual needs. The comfort of patients is one of Turkey’s biggest attributes. As many patients travel alone to obtain hair
transplants, it is important that their patients feel very comfortable and welcome. Packages were created to provide patients with a convenient, relaxing stay. Most packages offer transportation services and costs, accommodations, translation services,
and aftercare kits.
High-quality care is provided in all of Turkey’s internationally certified hospitals. Turkey must be very strict with regulatory compliance to maintain it’s number one rating in the world for hair restoration. The Turkish government performs regular random
inspections on all medical institutions to ensure they comply with regulations. Turkey provides the most modern and advanced technological hair transplant procedures in the world. Turkey locally manufactures its state-of-the-art medical equipment.
Therefore access to equipment is very easy.
Hair transplants can be a game-changer for many patients. So patients need to do a lot of research before making their final decision. It is important to ensure the surgeon has adequate quality experience. Just because they perform a high volume does
not necessarily mean the quality factor is there. Always ask to see before and after pictures of other patients so you can determine the quality of results. Always ensure the Government accredits the clinic of choice.
The great thing about the internet is that you can obtain an abundance of information at the click of a button. View clinic websites and read patient reviews and ratings to obtain some insight into the clinics. Hearing firsthand from previous patients
is a great indication of the quality and care of the clinic.
At the end of the day, it is ultimately a personal choice to obtain a hair transplant, and where to go to get the surgery done. As a hair transplant directly affects your appearance, it is important to attend a clinic that meets are government regulations.
This can help reduce the risk of infection and speed up the recovery process. Due to Turkey’s highly qualified and experienced surgeons, Turkey would be a good choice for a hair transplant.